Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let's go italian.....

Pasta is a good replacement for rice. if you are trying to cut off rice intake yet afraid to go hungry, pasta is the answer. Lasagna, spaghetti bolognese and tuna pasta are my to kids love em.  any body wants to try?  Let's go to dapUr cg. sal.

Meat Lasagna. ( serve 6 people )


2 packs of 250 g  pre cooked lasagna.
(available at most supermarket)

Ingredients for meat sauce:

1 pack of ground beef ( i use Ramli's small pack)
2 cans campbell's Prego spaghetti sauce or 1 bottle of prego
1 large sweet onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tablespoon veg. cooking  oil
1 teaspoon oregano powder
1 teaspoon basil leaves
3 tablespoon sugar ( spaghetti sauce is a little bit sour )
1.5 liter water
salt and msg to taste.

Preparing the meat sauce

Saute the onion in some veg. oil. Pour in  spaghetti sauce.  Add in the meat.  Stir well.  Add  oregano and basil.  Put in sugar, salt and pinch of msg.  Add some water.  Cook  for about 30 minutes.  The sauce should  not be too thick.  (Need some liquid to soften the lasagna layer).

Ingredients for cheese sauce

250 g cream cheese ( philadelphia )
2 tablespoon rice flour
2 tablespoon mayonaise
1 cup boiling water
( the original resepi use cottage cheese and sour cream- but they are hard to find so i invent the new sauce..)

Preparing the cheese sauce

mix all the above in a bowl.  stir well.

In a greased square pan or casserol, layer the lasagna sheets.  Put the meat sauce and the cheese sauce alternatively.  Layer all.  On top, generously put shredded mozarella cheese.  bake in the oven 160 degree ferenheit for about 1 hour.

Now, Ready to indulge!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dodol Tradisional


Dua hari lepas terasa teringin nak makan dodol..Masa hari raya baru ni ada kakak bagi sikit.  Tak puas makan.  Lalu saya mencuba resepi dodol ala saya sendiri.  Alhamdulillah hasilnya amasing!  Tak susahpun.  Tak perlu tunggu nak ada kawah besar baru nak buat dodol.  Saya buat dalam kuali tebal ( Korea King ).  Guna api sangat perlahan.   Boleh ditinggal-tinggalkan...kacau sekali sekala saje...bila dah siap kerja di dapur tutup api.  Next time ada kerja memasak boleh disambung pula mengacau dodol tadi.  Total hour atas api ada lah about 8 jam. Sesiapa teringin nak makan dodol bolehlah mencuba resipi saya ni.


1 peket tepung pulut
1 kg santan
3 kerek gula melaka ( org terengganu panggil nissang )
3 liter air
secubit garam.

Cara membuatnya:

Bancuhkan tepung pulut dengan air.  Cairkan dulu gula kerek dengan sedikit air di atas api.  Bila dah cair tapiskan ( sebab gula ni kadang-kadang ada anasir luar yang kita tak nak ).  Dalam kuali- campurkan santan, bancuhan tepung pulut, dan air gula serta garam.  Bermulalah sesi mengode.... Bila dah sangat pekat sampai dodol menjadi bulat seketul dan tidak melekat pada kuali serta kelihatan berkilat bolehlah kalau nak stop mengode.  tapi kalaau suka dodol boleh dipotong tunggulah sekejap lagi..Buat dodol ni kena sabar.  InsyaAllah menjadi.  Selamat mencuba.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Resepi carrot cake

Resepi yang pertama ni sebagai memenuhi permintaan Shahariah...  Kalau tak ada kacang walnut boleh guna pecan atau tak payah buh kacangpun tak pe.  Kalau dah cuba nanti bolehlah bawak sikit ke sekolah ye...


4 bj telur
1 1/4 cawan minyak sayuran
2 cawan gula
2 sudu teh vanilla extract
2 cawan tepung gandum
2 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1/2 sudu  teh garam
1 1/2 sudu teh serbuk kayu manis
3 cawan carrot yang sudah diparut
1 cawan kacang walnut @ pecan.

Bahan untuk  frosting

1/2  buku butter
1 buku cream cheese
3/4 cawan gula halus
1 sudu teh vanilla

cheese n butter mestilah dikeluarkn awal dari peti supaya lembut sebelum dipukul.
mix semua bhn di ats sampai kembang- 15 minit.

Cara buat cake:

1.  Panaskan oven 175 degrees C.
2.  Dalam mixing bowl, masukkan telur, minyak, gula  n  vanilla.  Pukul high speed selama 15 minit.
3.  Masukkan tepung gandum yang telah dicampur dengan soda n baking powder, garam n serbuk cinnamon.  Masuk carrot parut n kacang.  Gaul dengan senduk.
4.  Alas loyang dengan kertas.  Sapu minyak- tuangkan adunan.
5.  Bakar selama 50 minit.  sejukkan atas wire rack.
6.  Bila dah sejuk sapukan dengan frosting.  bolehlah hias sikit dengan ceri dan parutan carrot.
7.  Sejukkan dlm fridge semalaman.
Ready to indulge!

 p.s - Carrot cake ni sedap dimakan sejuk.

Friday, October 1, 2010

first entry...

Cooking Quotes

Hunger is the best sauce in the world.
Strange to see how a good dinner and
feasting reconciles everybody.
Samuel Pepys
A good cook is the peculiar gift of the gods. He must be a perfect creature from the brain to the palate, from the palate to the finger's end.
Walter Savage Landor
Kissing don't last: cookery do.
George Meredith
Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.
Harriet Van Horne
Savory seasonings stimulate the appetite.
Latin Proverb
Fish, to taste right, must swim three times -- in water, in butter and in wine.
Polish Proverb
Man is what he eats.
German Proverb
Hunger finds no fault with the cooking.
A good meal makes a man feel more charitable toward the world than any sermon.
Arthur Pendenys
Fervet olla, vivit amicitia: While the pot boils, friendship endures. (Meaning the man who gives good dinners has plenty of friends).
Latin Proverb
Cookery has become a noble art, a noble science; cooks are gentlemen.
Robert Burton
The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a star.
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
A hungry stomach seldoms scorns plain food.
I feel a recipe is only a theme, which an intelligent cook can play each time with a variation.
Madam Benoit
Even were a cook to cook a fly,
he would keep the breast for himself.

Polish Proverb
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